Read more: Chapter 211 || Korea Getaway Autumn: Day 3 Part 2 - Gatbawi @ Mokpo || ~ olahbersama® Blogger Widgets

December 03, 2015

Chapter 211 || Korea Getaway Autumn: Day 3 Part 2 - Gatbawi @ Mokpo ||

| Posting by: jie || Photo by : jie |


Korea: Day 1 Part I
Korea: Day 1 Part II
Korea: Day 2 Part I
Korea: Day 2 Part II

Actually plan kami agak lari sikit. Asalnya kami cover Suncheon hari pertama tapi disebabkan jam yang agak melampau kami cover Suncheon hari ke-2. So sekarang itiery untuk hari kedua memang tak jalan langsung. 

Dari Mokpo nak ke lokasi hari kedua agak jauh. Naik train je dah 3 jam. Jadi ikut je lah kaki melangkah sebab itinery hari ke-3 adalah agak free & easy sebab kereta dah pulangkan. Nasib baik ada Ipah penyelamat. Tunjuk je gambar kat driver taxi dan terus ke sini...

Kengkonon asalnya nak ke bangunan tu. 

Gatbawi !!!  Gat (topi) & bawi (batu). Topi batu?? Wait... satg aku tunjuk kenapa jadi macam tu...

Top 10 favourite activity in Korea. Fishing & hiking. Hiking?? nanti aku bagitau kemudian. 
Cuaca cantik. Burung-burung berterbangan. Obor-obor berkeliaran. Indahhh...

Nama gatbawi diambil sempena formation batu nilah. 
Siap ada 2 version cerita lagi. Aku copy paste je lah..

Cerita 1:
A long time ago, a young man lived with his sick father and sold salt. Though he was poor, he was a kind man who would do anything to help his sick father.
He worked as a farm hand for a rich house to save money to cure his father's illness. He did his job well but, in the end, his master didn't pay him. When he returned home after one month, he found his father’s body was already cold.
He regretted that he had been foolish in not caring for his father for a month. The least he could do was to try to make him comfortable in the afterlife. Unfortunately, as he was moving his father’s body, he slipped and dropped the coffin into the sea.
He felt awful about his father’s underwater burial. To make amends, he remained in that spot, wearing a bamboo hat until his death so that he too could not see the sky. Some time after his death, two rocks rose up at Gatbawi. 

Batu yang besar tu si ayah dan kecik sikit tu si anak. Ni bukan aku reka. Memang ada tulis kat situ. 

Cerita 2:
Another story of the rocks tells that when Buddha and a disciple traveled across the Yeongsan River, they took a rest in this place. They continued on their journey leaving behind their hats. It is said that their hats became the rocks making them to be known as the monk rocks.
Lepas tu ada group local tourist datang. Dorang tegur. Some of them know Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur). Masa ni tourist guide tengah cerita pasal batu tu la kat dorang. Kami pulak duk menyibuk berlakon macam paham. 

Us. With the Gatbawi. 

Jalan-jalan lagi ke depan. 

Dah sampai hujung kami patah balik kebelakang. Aman je suasana kat sini. Tenang.

dah patah balik, terasa nak naik bukit. Naik alik pastu turun la balik kekdahnya. Tapi lain pulak jadinya. Nantilah aku sambung. Tiada kesempatan untuk kali ini. 

ok bai. 

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